2024-2025 Award Nominations
Golden Acorn & Outstanding Advocate
The CMMS PTSA honors outstanding volunteer service annually by awarding the National PTA Golden Acorn Award and the Outstanding Advocate Award. Please help us recognize the extraordinary volunteerism that occurs in our PTSA, school, and community by submitting a nomination for those deserving individuals.
The deadline is March 15th, 2025.
Please direct questions to our Awards Chairperson here.
The Cougar Mountain Middle School PTSA presents the following awards:
Golden Acorn Award to honor outstanding volunteer service for children. The winners of this award are PTA/PTSA members who volunteer in ways that meet the mission of PTSA: promoting the health, welfare, safety and education of ALL children and youth in our schools and community.
Outstanding Advocate* Award to honor an individual for continued and dedicated service to ALL children and a demonstrated commitment to helping create strong policies relating to the health, welfare, safety, and education of children and youth.
*Advocacy should be viewed as active support in the causes for all children and youth. Advocacy includes, but is not limited to, active volunteerism in legislative issues on a local, state or national level, whether stemming from public education or non-profit organizations; working with the district or school administration on student issues; speaking up for children and youth who can’t speak up for themselves; and trying to change things for the benefit of children at a local, state or national level.
Awards Presentations – Recipients receive the Golden Acorn or Outstanding Advocate Award Pin and a certificate from the Washington State PTA. Our PTSA also makes a donation in each recipient’s name to the WSPTA Scholarship Foundation, providing scholarships to selected high school students entering post-secondary education. Awards will be presented at the CMMS PTSA Meeting on April, 2025 and recipients will be honored at the district awards ceremony in May 2025 (more details to come).
Nominations – Please help us identify volunteers from our community to receive a Golden Acorn or Outstanding Advocate Award this year. Through recommendations, the PTSA Awards Committee will make the final selections.
Nominees are scored using a weighted evaluation system that considers volunteer service during the 2024-2025 calendar year. To be eligible for the Golden Acorn Award, a nominee may not be a previous recipient of the Cougar Mountain Middle School PTSA Golden Acorn Award.
This rule does not apply to the Outstanding Advocate Award.
Cougar Mountain Middle School PTSA Recognition
Past Golden Acorn Award Recipients: