Welcome to the Cougar Mountain Middle School WalkAbout Program!
What is WalkAbout?
WalkAbout is a PTSA program that partners with the school to provide a positive adult presence on campus during lunches. WalkAbout volunteers have designated places where they walk around the school campus encouraging appropriate behavior and allowing students to feel safe. WalkAbout volunteers are supporters, not enforcers of the school rules. The volunteers are positive role models who help foster desirable behavior and help create an environment where all students feel safe.
The most important part of this program is the VOLUNTEERS! We need your help to make this program a success. Grab a friend and sign up together! This is a fun opportunity to see the kids and provide support if needed. A friendly “Hello” goes a long way.
How To Volunteer for WalkAbout?
3. Visit the following SignUp Genius to sign up to volunteer.
Please contact us here if you have any questions.