CMMS PTSA 2023-24 Year in Review

Dear CMMS Community! 

What a great year we have had. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all CMMS families for making the 2023-24 school year a huge success. We are grateful for your support and dedication!
Below is a list of programs and events that your generous donations helped to fund this year: 
  • Angel Program - your donations help support students who need extra support with basic necessities that are impacted by financial hardships. Thank you for making a difference in these student's lives!
  • Awards and Recognitions - we celebrated our amazing volunteers through the year!
  • Gift-A-Book Program - with your donations, the CMMS library became 124 books richer this year. 
  • Staff Appreciation - we provided a back to school lunch for CMMS Staff, Thanksgiving breakfast, Cookie Crawl and the much loved Staff Appreciation Week. Our teachers and staff appreciate all the love and support from the community. Thank you to ALL who shopped, baked, cooked, donated and supported these events! 
  • Reflections - Reflections is a National PTA arts competition that provides an opportunity for students to use their creative talents. CMMS PTSA is proud to support our student’s participation in Reflections each year! The theme was “I am Hopeful Because...”. Thank you to ALL students who shared their art with us!  
  • School Grant - CMMS PTSA approved the enrichment grant for the amount of $1,246 requested by Ms. Miele (8th grade social studies teacher) to purchase the "Nystrom Atlas US History Pack" program materials.
  • School Events - We hosted the first annual "Falcons Glow Dance Party" in the fall and the second annual Bingo Family Night in Spring. 
  • School Mascot (Falcon)  - the school mascot "Felix the Falcon" was welcomed this year to CMMS.  
  • 8th Grade Promotion - "Fly Falcons, Fly". We are so proud of all CMMS 8th grader students and wish them the best in their new journeys. 
A special THANK YOU goes out to our amazing volunteers through the year. We are so lucky to be a part of this phenomenal community and we value your support and contributions. Please consider volunteering next year, we truly appreciate every one of you!
Thank You and Go Falcons!