CMMS PTSA Grants Guidelines and Process

Each year the Cougar Mountain Middle School PTSA awards grant money to teachers and staff for curriculum and student educational support. These grants are made possible from the generous donations the PTSA receives from families during our annual “Pass the Hat” fundraiser.  Thank you to all of the families who donated to the PTSA and to all of the enthusiastic teachers who seek to add new enriching material and opportunities to the classrooms for our students.

Our mission is to build a welcoming and inclusive community by supporting students, families and the Cougar Mountain Middle School staff through programming, educational opportunities and advocacy for our students.


CMMS PTSA will consider any item, program, or activity that supports our mission. Grant applications may be submitted by teachers, staff, students, or parents. The Grants Committee will review applications meeting all the following minimum criteria:

  • Does it foster student learning?

  • Will it have a long-term impact?

  • Does it strengthen our school community?

  • Does it reach a large number of students? 

  • Is the PTSA Grant the most appropriate funding source 


  • Teacher salary or release time
  • Ongoing or annual funding needs
  • Money spent on programs, activities or supplies prior to grant award
  • Transportation expenses


Complete the Grant Application form by the deadline. Obtain appropriate signatures within department and school, then forward completed document to CMMS PTSA Treasurer here.

The Grant Committee reviews applications, evaluating on multiple criteria, including specificity, merit, impact, costs, and need. With due diligence, the Grant Committee and Chair provide a detailed summary of all applications, making recommendations to the PTSA Board of Directors who then vote on the recommendations. The approved grant information is then shared at the next General Membership Meeting. 

Recipients must provide a program update to the PTSA after implementation of grant.



Grant Cycle:                        Due Date:                      

Fall                                      October 15th, 2024 

Winter                                 January 15th, 2025

Questions? Contact CMMS PTSA Treasurer


Previous CMMS PTSA Grants