2024-25 CMMS PTSA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs

CMMS PTSA board of directors (executive board) are both elected and appointed. Elections take place in the spring, and service runs from July 1 to June 30, each year.  Elected positions are limited to two-year terms. Executive Board meet monthly, along with General Membership meetings.

The current executive board (see below) will be serving their second year of their two-year term this year. Therefor, we will be looking to fill all positions for the 2025-2026 school year. If you are interested in getting involved, we would love to have you! Learn more, please email our President



Email Address

President* Christina Smedegaard president@cougarmountainptsa.org
Secretary* Jessica Anderson secretary@cougarmountainptsa.org 
Treasurer* Svetlana Williams treasurer@cougarmountainptsa.org
VP Communications* Luisa Gass communications@cougarmountainptsa.org
VP Programs* Salomi Vora programs@cougarmountainptsa.org
VP Fundraising & Membership* Diana Heyd fundraising@cougarmountainptsa.org
Volunteers Chair OPEN volunteers@cougarmountainptsa.org
Angel Program Chair Marcia O'Donoghue & Elysa Piha angel@cougarmountainptsa.org
Awards Chair Svetlana Williams awards@cougarmountainptsa.org
FACE Chair OPEN face@cougarmountainptsa.org
Reflections Chair Salomi Vora programs@cougarmountainptsa.org
Staff Appreciation Chair OPEN hospitality@cougarmountainptsa.org
WalkAbout Chair Monica Condino walkabout@cougarmountainptsa.org
Webmaster Svetlana Williams webmaster@cougarmountainptsa.org
ISF Ambassador

Trisha Marshall & 

Ellie G Diaz



*Elected Executive Board Positions


Meet the 2024-25 CMMS PTSA Executive Board

From the left: Diana H., Svetlana W., Salomi V., Christina S., Luisa G., and Jessica A.